2012年8月8日 — To adjust the font/font-size used for the TTY, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup , which will guide you through the steps to choose a ...
2021年12月12日 — If not, install the terminus font, and you can configure its size by typing setfont ter-132n , replacing 132 with the size you desire (you can ...
2024年3月18日 — In this tutorial, we'll learn how to change the console font size in a non-graphical Linux environment. 2. Modifying the console-setup File.
2018年1月4日 — The FONTFACE and FONTSIZE values come from the font's filename, TerminusBold32x16.psf.gz . Yes, you have to know to reverse the order for ...
2024年1月15日 — The setfont command sets and changes the font and font size in the current session. This command uses the following syntax. #setfont [New ...
The kernel offers about 15 built in fonts to choose from, from which the officially supported kernels provide two: VGA 8x16 font ( CONFIG_FONT_8x16 ) and ...